Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SG days... part I of ?

all right, after a long time, i have a LOT of free time....actually...nt free time per se, just too lazy to do anything right now. i'm supposed to writing my research college essays...preping for SAT...and studying econs..but who cares?
I know the readership of this blog is now perfectly 0 ( even i dont check nemore), so it has become more of a place i would like to share my feelings and thoughts right now. Something of a time capsule, come back to it a couple of years 4m now ( hopefully, logging in 4m a country in the western hemisphere) and see how my thought processes have changed...
this is not gonna be a funny post...more of a metahorical reflective assessment of the past 12 months ( u can see ive been practising for the SAT :P)
MY journey from the 17th of december, ironic i remember the date of my KVPY interview but not that of many more important things in my life.
In the morning I had my KVPY interview.. my recomendation letter was written by my bio teacher..hwn i had clearly stated that i did NOT wish to be tested on bio...a mismatch that did NOT go unnoticed by the professors. the interview did not go well at all, the questions that they asked were of a kind that I had never heard before ( what do u expect? I had never had a technical interview before!) I blubbered thru the questions...
prof: how is a rainbow formed? me: light hits bounces off at 62 degrees...makes rainbow. prof: can u elaborate further? me: no
prof: :-| plz try. me: (thinks in bengali) how am  i supposed to try if i dunno nething at all?
prof2: ok, prove this huge trigo sum...
me: i'm sorry, can I have another sum, I have no clue abt this...
prof2 prolly thinks: no future..
The next professor was kinder, He asked me a question about light...something i remember i gave a coherent rreply to...then i was told i could go
when I came out, i was DRENCHED in sweat...the only time in my life i was ever THAT nervous...the interview..comprising of only 3 technical questions...had taken 25 minutes...but it had felt like 30 seconds...
I remember telling my dad in the car( the first time that my dad accompanied me newhere) that it was a good experience...n that i was prolly gonna be the lowest scorer in the entire nation... come to think of it..i had given the examination without a calculator....i had had to derive the value of sin 50 by hand...what do u expect? lol
neway, my flight to bangalore was in a couple of hours..and my passport couldnt be found. every1 was searching for it, and i was doing pushups...just to get rid of the interview stress....even my SIA interview had not been nearly as stressful even though the stakes had been MUCH MUCH higher ( I knew i wasnt eligible for KVPY :( ) neways, we found my passport...and we set off for the airport...
my mom dad n bro all had come to the airport...India's the only country where three people come to see of 1 person at the airport...actually 2...cuz dad was coming too...the flight was short...didnt get hijacked.... then it was the long wait at banglaore...during which i wondered y i was travellign 4m bangalore...when there was a flight at the exact same time out of calcutta... some mysteries just cant be solved.
neway, another flight later, i arrived, thoroughly sleepy and jetlagged. The MOE officer told me i was going to Hwa Chong Boarding School, and I was over the moon, thinking I was going to Hwa Chong JC...a couple of hours later my hopes were dashed when my scholarship letter told me i was goin to someplace called national Jc... something i hadnt even heard of till then. That first day I met all the Indian scholars....arnd 20 of us in total....and I tried to teach a couple of malaysians my name....with some not so pleasing results....
Side story: My Name
my name has always been a bone of contention...with a lot of ppl confusing it with mayank....
To bengalis: My name is M o i nak Ghosh
To non-bengalis: My name is M ay nak Ghosh
To all the peoples living east of India : My name has become Maaai Naak Gosh :|

neways...back to my pathetic life..i was so depressed i asked my dad to buy tickets back home, and he told me to hold on for a couple more weeks till school started and then make a thats the point where i became stuck in sg lol
Orientation lasted arnd a week... It was fun....we went around doing extremely pointless things... things which I thought were so childish...but later (now) i realise,, they were so essential in getting us bonded together. Friendship has been refined to a science there, unlike in india, where the best way to make friends is to insult that person n hope that he or she will take some notice of u... :P The historical tours of boring then, were necessary, to understand the cultural perspectives of the people, the adventure camp at Sentosa...really helped us work as a team...altho half of us (including me )cudnt run the whole thing. The leadership camp thing...we had a lot of fun....doing the bhangra...while the others looked on....wondering wat these jokers were doing... the trip to little india was scary... i havent seen that much dirt in the REAL India 8D...and then Chinatown, where I was told my name cudnt be spelt in Chinese :(
Looking back, I wish I had made more friends then and NOT lost all the pictures... moe orientation was the favourite part of my stay in SG...cuz we had absolutely no cares...all we had to do was njoy the (free) ride...the whole hostel belonged to us...we could run arnd..doing watever we wanted... all we did was move around...meeting frnds...chatting ( the bengali term is adda..)... I think we must have visited all the other hostels atleast 5 times each during those 2 weeks... heheh...but yeah...after school began...the trips slowly wound down...

1 comment:

Preeti said...

Nice posts..i mean they're SO different from the stuff you usually write.